Thursday, March 23, 2017

"Men, as much as women, are the victims of discrimination." Do you agree?

In the globalised world, social justice has gained much traction and international attention, thanks to the ever burgeoning reach of social media. One issue in particular stands out from the diverse array of societal problems the world faces - gender discrimination. With the growing attention feminism is gathering on the international stage, it is safe to say that the battle of the sexes has never before reached such a stupendous magnitude as it has today. Feminism, the advocacy of women’s rights on grounds of political, social and economic equality as that of men, has largely been lauded as progressive and a positive force propelling society forward. Yet, as the feminist movement gains momentum globally, it has also garnered increasingly hostile reactions worldwide too. Many critics now claim that feminism demonises men and that men are now being discriminated against as women receive preferential treatment. Is this really so?

Men are equally discriminated as women due to other factors such as race and sexuality. Till today, many forms of discrimination are still prevalent even in the most liberal and developed countries. Racial discrimination, for instance, is still widespread in US. The Ferguson unrest brought to the world’s attention the horrific police brutality and countless innocent victims killed by police officers, some as young as 12 years old and whose only crime was their skin colour. Even more recently, not even a day ago, 50 victims were killed in a shooting at an Orlando gay club. These victims were mindlessly murdered, regardless of their gender. With such overwhelming evidence, one has to agree that men are just as much victims of discrimination as women are.

Yet despite the problems both genders face, we cannot deny the fact that women are particularly vulnerable to abuse and discrimination due to their gender.

Even today, women still face limited opportunities in the workplace despite having the same qualifications as their male counterparts. While it is true that some women have managed to break through the glass ceiling, many more are still trapped beneath this selective barrier and are unable to gain rightful credit for their own works. This is particularly apparent in the scientific fields. The systemic oppression of women scientists and their contributions, whose works are often attributed to their male counterparts is known as the Matilda Effect. Brilliant scientists such as Rosalind Franklin, Cecilia Payne and Lisa Meitner have been largely ignored by society and even snubbed by the scientific community despite the tremendous contributions and discoveries they had made simply due to their gender. Critics may argue that we have made progress but is it sufficient when we merely have 44 female Nobel prize laureates out of more than 800 laureates? Hence one has to disagree vehemently that men are just as discriminated as women.

Traditional gender roles, though weakened by the evolution of the nuclear family unit and the increase in educated women, are still deeply embedded in society. Women are still seen as homemakers and are often expected to be more submissive and acquiescent. This is especially true in Asian societies which are still greatly influenced by Confucian concepts. These gender roles have led to the restriction of women’s career choices and life decisions as women are often encouraged to pick careers which involve care-taking or childrearing such as nursing and teaching. Women who diverge too much from what society deems as acceptable career paths frequently receive harsh criticism and social judgement from their peers. Furthermore as women now become a larger part of the workforce, they are expected to balance both their careers and childrearing perfectly whereas men are not judged as harshly for not playing an active role in parenting. Thus it is obvious that men are not as discriminated as women.

Women are still overwhelmingly seen as sexual objects by society. This has resulted in the development of what many call the ‘rape culture’ where many feel that rape is not a severe social problem that needs to be dealt with immediately. While we cannot ignore the fact that men can also be rape victims, we must also acknowledge that a shocking majority of rape victims are women and these victims are more often than not blamed for ‘asking for it’. BBC has recently released a documentary ‘India’s Daugher’ about the 2012 New Delhi gang rape. In this documentary, one of the rapists was interviewed and he showed no remorse, even going on to blame the victim for struggling and thus causing the beating that ultimately took her life. Despite new laws about sexual assault passed in 2013, only the New Delhi gang rape case passed with conviction whereas more than 700 other cases were thrown out of court the year. It is undeniable that women face overwhelmingly more discrimination than men do.

Women are also not fully allowed free agency of their own bodies. Society places more emphasis and higher standards on women and the female body, restricting women’s agency. In 2013, approximately 700 new laws governing women’s bodies were passed by mainly male lawmakers in US whereas no law has ever been passed regarding men’s bodies anywhere in the world. Till today, young girls are still being put through the atrocity and pain of female genital mutilation in third world countries. All these evidence point undeniably to the blatant discrimination that women have to face as compared to men.

‘The truth is rarely pure and never simple.’ Oscar Wilde’s words succinctly summarises gender discrimination. While it is more than tempting to simplify the root causes and effects of gender discrimination, to do so would be to foolishly dismiss the true underlying problematic mindsets present in society. The destruction of gender discrimination is not equivalent to putting women on a pedestal, nor is its purpose to vilify men. Rather, we should seek to destroy the social construct of gender so as to allow each and every one of us to be able to fully maximise our talents and potential for the betterment of mankind as a race.

"Access to new media has empowered individuals, but weakened establishments." Is this a fair statement?

“The media’s the most powerful entity on earth. They have the power to make the innocent guilty and to make the guilty innocent, and that’s power. Because they control the mind of the masses.” As writer Malcolm X so put, the media plays an incredibly influential role in society and thus whoever controls the media can easily manipulate society. In 2011, this stupendous amount of power and influence was held by a mere 232 executives from six media giants which controlled 90% of American media. However with the advent and rapid growth of new media, this power has since been steadily weakened and spread more evenly among the masses.

New media has led to the rise of a new source of information - social media. People now make use of platforms such as blogs, Twitter and Facebook to share information and news as quickly as possible. News is being reported within the hour by individual journalists who have minimal budget and corporate backing. The fast pace of social reporting has undermined the power of traditional news establishments such as newspapers and TV channels as they are unable to catch up with social media. Moreover, social media also polices the news reported by these traditional news establishments, ensuring that the news reported is truly objective and not biased towards any one party as shown in the fall of prominent media figure Dan Rather who was brought down by bloggers when they found out that he was planning to release fraudulent news. This clearly shows how social media has shifted the power balance between traditional news establishments and the individual by weakening traditional news establishments.

Groundbreaking art can also be shared using new media and thus weakening the tremendous influence held by traditional art institutions. People can now publish their works via new media instead of art galleries and exhibitions. This allows the art scene to be more diverse and also largely removes the financial aspect of publication. The limits previously set on the art scene hindered people who were poor or did not conform to social norms such as transgender people. Since traditional art institutions had a major say in the kind of art displayed and published, the art created by the poor and the minorities were largely filtered out, resulting in a highly elitist art scene in which only the rich and privileged could participate. New media has greatly eroded the power of such art institutions, allowing people to showcase their art to a global audience easily without having to go through these institutions. Writers are now able to self-publish for a small fee on Amazon Kindle, bypassing corporate publishers and artists can now simply upload their art onto social media and even receive feedback from other artists regardless of location. As such, new media has indeed undeniably undermined the power of traditional art establishments and corporations.

Social movements are able to reach a global audience through new media as well, thus creating a greater impact on society. People are able to find out about social injustices and oppression of others by establishments such as a corrupt government or even transnational corporations and hence pressure these establishments into action to rectify the situation as is seen in the case of the Nike sweatshops. Also social media has made it much easier for such social movements to be organised on a global scale, especially the feminist movement. The Everyday Sexism Project started by Laura Bates on Twitter demonstrated this perfectly. Women were able to share stories of the discrimination they faced in their everyday life and thus garnered global attention to the systemic oppression women faced by society, empowering women everywhere. Social media, as such, acts as a form of policing of establishments, placing restrictions on them.

Despite all the benefits and empowerment new media has brought to the individual, it is not necessarily correct to say that the statement is entirely fair.

New media is still being controlled by corporations such as Google. Though it is true that new media is comparatively unrestricted as compared to traditional media, it is still under the control of such corporations. Google, for instance, is a new media juggernaut. It not only controls one of, if not, the world’s greatest search engine but also several social media platforms such as Youtube. These forms of new media have so ingrained themselves into our lives, making Google an undeniable influence in our society now. Thus it is more than apparent that new media does not weaken establishments but rather grants them even more power over us as a society.

New media can still be censored by governments and corporations. While one cannot deny the leaps and bounds taken by technology especially in terms of social media, the same can arguably be said for censorship technology. Governments are legislating cyber activities nowadays so as to regulate the online community. In Singapore, bloggers such as Gan Huai Shi have been charged under the Sedition Act and fined or even jailed. As new media grows and evolves, censorship methods have not been in a state of stagnation either, evolving as well to better achieve the aims of the government or corporations. Hence it is clear that new media does not empower individuals.

While it is true that new media grants the masses a voice, one must remember that behind this burgeoning media giant, there are also several corporations which still influence the content we receive every day and perhaps, regardless of future developments in the media industry, there will always be a corporate presence. Despite so, it is undeniable that new media has indeed made media a two-way street and as such, the masses now can also influence establishments as they do us.

Should your child own a smartphone?

Phones have come a long way from the days of the bulky brick-like handset to the slim sleek smartphones that keep getting thinner. Smartphones now exceed the capability of the traditional phone, doubling as a camera, GPS, alarm clock, schedule planner and much more. Even parenting is made easier as we can so easily keep our children entertained for hours with Candy Crush. Not owning a smartphone seems foolish in view of all the convenience it brings.

Time to get your kid a smartphone?

If you’re thinking of purchasing one for your child, hold your horses! While there are many benefits to getting your kid a mobile phone, the cons outweigh the pros by far. Studies have shown that young children who own mobile devices tend to have behavioral and health problems like depression and eating disorders. This is particularly so for children allowed to use mobile devices or watch TV for more than 2 hours daily. American Academy of Pediatrics recommends that parents of children under the age of two should avoid making use of smartphones, tablets, computers and televisions to keep them occupied.
An estimated 60% of  parents don’t monitor their children’s usage of technology closely. As such, 75% of children use mobile devices such as tablets and mobile phones in their bedroom. According to a Boston College study, 75% of children between 9 and 10 years old do not do well in school due to sleep deprivation caused by excessive use of tablets.

Alternatives to smartphones

To curb such problems, parents need to be vigilant and not simply take the easy way out. Instead of using mobile devices to entertain young children, why not read to them? Parents can also purchase developmental toys such as Rubik’s cubes or 3D puzzles to keep children engaged.
For older children, parents can make use of smartwatches specially tailored for children. For example, parents can contact their children easily with the Watchphone while allowing them space to gain independence. Such smartphones tend to have good habit-forming functions as well, like an in-built pedometer and calorie-counter. The Watchphone essentially encapsulates the benefits of a smartphone without the frills that may ultimately lead to bad habits. Moreover, the one-touch SOS function lets your child alert you instantly in case of danger.
Smartwatch for children, Oaxis Watchphone
The Watchphone gives children a sense of independence while allowing parents to keep an eye on them.

Ultimately parents being present in their children’s lives will help their healthy development far more effectively than any piece of technology.

(Published on Oaxis, 14 Feb 2017)

6 Top Reads for Valentine’s Day

6 must-read books for Valentine's Day
Valentine’s Day is coming right up and once again it’s time to plan something romantic for that special person! This year, why not go the simple and sweet route? Some candles, put on your best romantic playlist and a book to share; that’s all you need for a nice quiet night in to really enjoy each other’s company without any distractions. Here are 6 books perfect for a cosy night!

1. The Beatrice Letters – Lemony Snicket

We all know and love Lemony Snicket’s A Series of Unfortunate Events which chronicles the Baudelaire orphans’ tragic adventures. The Beatrice Letters ties in with the series, revealing to us a little more about the mysterious author Snicket. While perhaps a little less-known, it is nonetheless a fantastic read. While not exactly a romance novel, The Beatrice Letters contains arguably one of the most touching love letters in modern literature.
“I will love you as we find ourselves farther and farther from one another, where we once we were so close that we could slip the curved straw, and the long, slender spoon, between our lips and fingers respectively.”
Snicket’s uniquely stunning prose delivers many gems of lost love and desire, guaranteed to wring a few sighs from even the hardest of hearts. Not a big fan of romance? That’s okay; the book follows a fascinating mystery which is sure to reel you in anyway!
Lemony Snicket - A Series of Unfortunate Events
Borrow a line from Snicket for the finishing touch on your card!

2. Pride and Prejudice – Jane Austen

With so many adaptations and works inspired by it, this book needs no further introduction. Austen presents an otherwise cliche story with fantastic characters that simply keep you enchanted with their dynamics. With the lovable Elizabeth Bennett and swoon-worthy Mr Darcy, this love story certainly deserves its place among the classics. Pick up some of the screen adaptations for movie night as well! (The 1995 BBC TV series is our favourite!) Not too sure about buying the book? No worries; download the ebook and read it on InkCase for free!
InkCase i7
Read anywhere and any time with the InkCase!

3. Norwegian Wood – Haruki Murakami

Get your tissues ready for this emotional rollercoaster! This book is sure to start a thought-provoking discussion about love and life with lots of cuddling needed to soothe those sad thoughts away. Murakami takes you into the world of Toru Watanabe and his journey through friendship, loss and love, keeping you hooked till the last page! While some may find his writing style a little unorthodox, this novel presents Murakami at his best and most emotional.

4. Bright Star: Love Letters and Poems of John Keats to Fanny Brawne – John Keats

Need ideas for your Valentine’s Day card? Well, find some inspiration from the literary icon John Keats by reading his own words about love on Inkcase!
Oaxis InkCase
Keep your source of inspiration a surprise with InkCase. Shh!

Often named as one of the greatest poets of his time, Keats’ own love story ended sadly as he passed away young, leaving his lover Fanny Brawne in mourning for six years after his passing. Now all that remains of that tragic romance are these letters… What better way to celebrate the day of love by reading actual love letters by one of the world’s most renown Romantic poets?

5. The Remains of the Day – Kazuo Ishiguro

Kazuo Ishiguro paints a mesmerising picture of unspoken love and murky memories of a life gone by in this wonderfully written book. After all, who hasn’t wondered about all the possible futures, good or bad, with that certain somebody? This book is bound to help those of you still struggling with your crush to find your courage to take that final step towards your own happiness! For happy couples, Ishiguro’s work is definitely going to make you cherish each other and your happiness together more.
The Remains of The Day

6. Twenty Love Poems and A Song of Despair – Pablo Neruda

Maybe Keats isn’t really your style with his gentle and melancholy words. If you’re looking for something more passionate, look no further. Neruda’s poems are seemingly succinct but yet enthrallingly melodramatic. His writing is unabashedly sensual and yet delivered in such a sweet manner. This book is bound to send tingles down your back with the way he captures the bittersweet emotions of love in just a few lines.

(Published on Oaxis, 10 Feb 2017)

Top 10 unique and useful iPhone cases

1. Oaxis InkCase i7

Oaxis Inkcase i7
The InkCase adds a secondary E Ink display with no additional bulk and weight.

Forget about Kindles! The InkCase i6 transforms your iPhone into an e-reader by adding an E Ink display to the back of your iPhone connected to your iPhone 6 through Bluetooth. Users can access content via the low-power secondary screen without switching on the iPhone’s display thus conserving battery significantly. Read your favorite ebook on InkCase’s paper-like display which remains clear even under direct sunlight. You’ll never miss another notification or reminder with InkCase. Personalize your iPhone with favorite images to express your unique individuality! Durable dual molded polycarbonate exterior provides complete protection of the back, edges and corner of your iPhone 6/6s. This iPhone case is definitely a must-buy for avid readers!

2. Prynt iPhone 6 Case

Picture of Prynt iPhone case with a photo printing
Prynt iPhone cases essentially act as portable printers, transforming your phone into a Polaroid camera. Using the Prynt app, you can preview and edit your photos with free, custom filters, stickers, frames and more. Each Prynt photo is long-lasting, fade and tear-resistant. Moreover, every photo is a sticker printed in millions of high-res colours! You don’t need additional ink cartridges as Prynt uses special ink-free printing technology.

3. Logitech Protection [+] iPhone 6 Case
Front and back view of Logitech Protection + iPhone case

Logitech’s Protection [+] for the iPhone 6 is specially designed and tested to protect your iPhone from any drops, bumps, and scratches. For users who are always on the road, you’ll love Logitech Protection iPhone cases! The hidden metal plate in the case offers seamless compatibility with the Logitech [+] mounts, allowing users to attach their iPhone easily.

4. BoxWave Keyboard iPhone 6 Case
Front and back view of the Boxwave iPhone case

Designed to be the perfect complement to the Apple iPhone 6’s on-screen keyboard, the Keyboard Buddy’s easy slide-in keyboard is smooth and natural. Backlit keys make the Keyboard Buddy even more user-friendly with raised keys, allowing users to type faster and more accurately than ever. An improved button layout and an onboard battery, chargeable by micro-USB cable, with up to 2 weeks worth of charge duration makes for an even more intuitive experience. The Keyboard Buddy’s form fitting shell and secure snap on make sure that there are no weird bumps or protrusions to get in the way.

5. Benuo Leather iPhone 6 Case

Front and back view of the Benuo Leather iPhone case
The leather case is entirely handmade of sleek corrected grain genuine leather. It’s easy to grip with a nice texture and wears beautifully over time. With its folio-style case that has three slots on the rear, users can access their cards easily. The understated magnetic closure ensures your screen is protected and yet does not get in the way. Precise open cut-outs for all ports, buttons, speakers & camera make sure that usage of your iPhone 6 is not impeded while also leaving enough room for full coverage screen protector and flash. This classy iPhone case will definitely appeal to people who hate cumbersome cases that make it difficult to get at your cash quickly.

6. VRS Design Damada Glide Wallet Case

Open compartment of VRS Damada Glide iPhone cases showcased
Available in five different colours, this wallet case keeps your cards tucked away in a little compartment, making access extremely ergonomic. While VRS iPhone cases are easy to install and remove, the side power and volume buttons still remain covered and protected from the elements. For anyone who is on the go and doesn’t have the room or inclination to carry a separate wallet, this is what you’re looking for.

7. IN1 Tools
In1 iPhone case with most of the tools removed and placed neatly next to the case

What better way to carry a toolkit around than to combine it with your iPhone? Whether it’s a screwdriver, scissors or even just a pen, IN1 Tools iPhone cases have it all! It also includes a kickstand and the tools come in colors like gray, pink, purple and yellow. You can also choose between a clear case and black one.

8. Loopy iPhone 6/6s Plus
Loopy iPhone case with a zoom-in view of the cutouts

Big fan of using your phone while relaxing in bed? Then you would have experienced the agony of dropping your phone on your face as well…. In that case, this iPhone case is definitely going to make life easier for you! Though a little goofy-looking, this case presents a simple solution to butter fingers with a simple loop at the back of your phone. Just slip two fingers in and you’ll never drop your phone again! Made of strengthened tear-resistant and crack-resistant material, there’s no risk of tearing and the outer shell is extremely durable. Moreover, the loops are interchangeable and fully adjustable, maximising comfort and style!

9. ZAGG iPhone 6 Speaker Case

The image shows the assembly of the ZAGG Speaker case

Heads-up to all music lovers! ZAGG is perhaps better known for their tough screen protectors but they are proving themselves in terms of iPhone cases too. The new Speaker case contains a removable Bluetooth speaker for playing music, videos or taking phone calls. Furthermore, the slim, protective bumper provides strong protection for your iPhone as well. The rechargeable battery(1800mAh) can be used to recharge your phone or shared through the universal USB port.

10. Boostcase Gemstone Power Case
View of Gemstone Clear iPhone Case

Boostcase adds over 100% more battery life for iPhone 6s & iPhone 6. Its innovative modular design is a reinvention of the battery case, featuring a standalone protective case with an attachable battery sleeve. Users can conveniently remove the battery sleeve when unneeded. The Gemstone collection features the world’s first completely transparent design battery case offered in colours matched to fine gemstones. A dedicated toggle switch controls the battery and an LED light bar shows your remaining charge. No need to carry those bulky portable chargers around anymore!

(Published on Oaxis, 9 Feb 2016)

Is your handbag too heavy for your body?

Let’s be real, the world loves big bags and what’s there not to love? Think again because this is one scenario where bigger is definitely not better! While big bags are just perfect for carrying around everything you need from that bottle of hand sanitiser that you just had to buy to those receipts you keep forgetting to throw out, it’s really bad news for your body especially with the increasing weight of handbags nowadays. Those gorgeous designer bags just keep growing in size and nowadays they even come with lots of zippers and studs, making them heavier than ever. Well, if you’re a handbag packrat, keep reading to see why it’s time to clear your heavy handbag out!
A lady is carrying a big black handbag.
Big handbags generally result in users carrying much more stuff than necessary.

1. Your natural gait is disrupted

Carrying a heavy handbag on one shoulder significantly interferes with our normal gait. Our gait helps to keep our body balanced. Having a heavy handbag on one side of the body prevents the arm on that side from swinging properly as we instinctively try to prevent the load from swinging. Thus to make sure that our body stay balanced, the other arm has to swing more. This can result in many problems, such as chronic pain, should the situation persist.

2. Your posture is thrown off

Since more weight is acting on one shoulder, your muscles are off balance due to the asymmetric load. Your body leans to the other side to counterbalance the weight. As such, your posture is thrown off. Most people tend to carry handbags on their dominant side — right-handed people will tend to hang it over your right shoulder. But this causes the muscles in your dominant shoulder, particularly the trapezius muscle, to become bigger. Over time a lopsided posture can develop from the forced muscle development on one side. Carrying an asymmetric load also causes muscles in your spine to compensate for the weight, causing spasms in the opposite side of the spine, lower back and sacrum (the bone at the base of the lower spine) — the more skewed the load is, the harder your body will have to work to counterbalance it.

3. Tension headache/muscle tension

Due to your body’s efforts to redistribute the extra weight, your muscles tense more and as such become stiff. The trapezius muscle and the muscles that go from your shoulder to the base of your neck, which sits on top of your shoulders, may spasm and therefore tighten, resulting in a lot of stiffness in the upper back, shoulder area and neck. This may lead to pain when turning your head and the development of arthritis in the lower neck. Some may even develop tension headaches from constantly carrying heavy handbags. As the muscles in your shoulder and neck area spasm, it can result in pain from the back of your skull that radiates around to the front.
A man can be partially seen carrying a brown leather shoulder bag and a thick book.
Men are also at risk due to the heavy shoulder bags they carry.
While the name ‘handbag syndrome’ may suggest that only women suffer from this ailment, men are also affected now more than ever as well due to laptops and the additional weight of accessories such as the charger and mouse. Simply getting an ergonomic shoulder bag is not sufficient as your body will still be adversely affected should the weight of your shoulder bag be too much.  The best solution is to lighten your bag. Try getting rid of bulky items such as hardcover books and old-fashioned schedule diaries and replacing them with the Inkcase which transforms your phone into an e-reader and planner without adding any weight to your bag!

InkCase i7
The Inkcase is the world’s slimmest and lightest e-reader.

(Published on Oaxis, 6 Feb 2017)

Ereader or tablet: Which one should you get?

E-reader vs Tablet - pros and cons

Ereader VS tablet – the dilemma every e-book reader faces. To the layman, perhaps there is little difference not only in appearance but also in function. Yet there are several important distinctions between the two that may just make a world of difference.


Ereader and iPad held together to show the difference in screen glare under bright conditions.
The iPad has significant screen glare as compared to an Ereader in sunlight.

E-readers use E Ink which only allows for a black and white display and is unable to play any video. Moreover since e-readers’ screens are not backlit, they are relatively harder to use in darker conditions.
That being said, the newer E Ink readers like the Kindle Paperwhite now come with an integrated light which shines onto the front of the screen, making it easy to use in the dark. The screen also won’t be as bright as an LCD screen, allowing users to use it before bedtime without waking someone sleeping next to them. So go ahead and tuck yourself in for some comfy bedtime reading!
Tablets, on the other hand, have full colour display and are able to play video. The display is also backlit, giving tablets an edge over e-readers in terms of nighttime reading. When it comes to daytime though, the e-reader wins hands down with its matte screen giving off no glare at all and appearing as clear as an actual printed page whereas the tablet’s screen tends to be glossy, especially iPads, making it difficult to read under the sun even after adjusting the screen brightness to maximum.
In terms of eyestrain, the e-reader once again takes the prize due to the lack of glare and backlight, making the E Ink screen a lot easier on the eyes than the LCD screen which is relatively harsher especially because of blue light emission.

Power Consumption

Picture of the front and back of Kindle Paperwhite
Amazon’s Kindle Paperwhite

We’ve all had our fair shares of days where your phone dies on you on your long commute home and you’re stuck staring out of the window. Mobile devices are notorious for their battery-sapping LCD screens. One of the major draws for e-readers is the low power consumption of E Ink screens. An e-reader can go for weeks and even months without recharging whereas a tablet has to be charged once every few days at the very least. The Kindle Paperwhite, for instance, apparently has up to 8-week battery life while the iPad mini with Retina display is advertised as having a maximum 10 hours of battery life. The high power consumption of the tablet is further exacerbated by the necessary increase in screen brightness to read under the sun.


Price is probably one of the most important factors in your choice. The e-reader is significantly cheaper – $119 for a Kindle Paperwhite while a tablet generally costs more despite a wide price range – $400 for an iPad Mini with Retina Display to $229 for a Nexus 7. However we must keep in mind that the tablet has many other functions which justify the relatively steeper price.

Weight and Size

The average weight of a 6-inch e-reader is approximately 6 oz(170g) while a 7-inch tablet weighs about 13.5 oz(385g). While it may not seem like much on paper, keep in mind that you’ll be holding it for prolonged periods. A bigger screen may not be the best idea, especially if you plan on reading during your commute. In fact, there has been an increasing call for smaller ereaders in recent years and the market has started to respond accordingly with products such as the Kobo Mini and the Inkcase which allows users to transform their phones into e-readers, minimising the need for an additional reading device.
InkCase i7
The InkCase adds a secondary screen to your phone with no extra bulk.

Additional Features

The e-reader is notably lacking in terms of bells and whistles as it’s a single-purpose device designed specifically for reading. Some e-readers have 3G/WiFi and email capability but generally using e-readers for web browsing is tedious and slow. The user has to navigate with only the arrow keys and page rendering is comparatively much slower. This allows for a distraction-free reading experience as compared to using a tablet to read. The tablet, on the other hand, is essentially a larger smartphone and is much more versatile functionally. With 3G/WiFi capability, media playback, apps and much more, the tablet is definitely the choice for people looking for an all-in-one device.
Both the e-reader and the tablet have their pros and cons. Ultimately, it depends on what the user’s needs are and what they are looking for. If you’re looking for a device solely for reading, then the e-reader is definitely your answer! However, if you’d rather have a much more versatile device capable of Internet surfing, go for the tablet.

(Published on Oaxis, 3 Feb 2017)

Try these 9 simple tips for a better workout!

Improve the results of your workout with these 9 tips!

Every year we promise ourselves that this is the year when we’re finally going to stick to our workout regime religiously. Yet each year, we lose motivation when it seems like all our efforts just don’t seem to be getting any results. Well, this year try out some of these tips to get your desired results!

1. Exercise with a plan

Fail to plan and you plan to fail! Without a realistic plan and goals to work towards, you will be less motivated to keep exercising. Also planning gives your workout structure and direction, making it easier for you to achieve the desired results. Keep track of your progress with old-fashioned pen and paper or a fitness tracker! That way your fitness progress can be tracked visually, keeping you focused on reaching your targets. Even better make use of InkCase‘s activity tracking function to tailor your own workout to achieve optimal results!

2. Moderation

Practice makes perfect! Or does it? Too much exercise can lead to overuse and repetitive-use injuries, such as shin splints and muscle soreness. Besides knowing your limits, varying your workouts can help avoid overtaxing your muscles. Pacing yourself will ensure that you’ll be able to keep to your fitness regime as closely as possible. Furthermore, tired muscles increase the risk of injury as well hence adequate time to rest is just as important. Also the best cure for small injuries is rest so don’t over-exert your body just because the injury is still manageable.

3. Regulate your sleep patterns

While hitting that snooze button may be tempting, it’s really not doing you any favours! Oversleeping or taking a power nap for longer than an hour can cause drowsiness, making it even harder to get moving. If you are feeling a bit sluggish, try starting your workout slowly or doing easy low intensity exercises instead and upping the intensity gradually.
Working out when you’re running on less sleep than usual means that more strain is put on your body to keep everything running. This elevates your heart rate and you get tired even before starting. Furthermore, lack of sleep can impact your balance, metabolism and focus significantly. This will lead to a less effective workout and may even cause injury.
Young sleeping woman and alarm clock in bedroom at home
Sufficient sleep will ensure maximum effectiveness of your workout

4. Separate your cardio and strength training

Often, people combine aerobic sessions with their strength sessions by simply doing a run as warm-up before hitting the weights. This is actually very ineffectual as your muscles are already tired from the run and your energy is also depleted. As such, it’ll be more difficult for you to finish your workout properly and the strength training will only have limited results.
Keeping your cardio and strength sessions on separate days is a good way to maximise your energy for each training session. Alternatively, try circuit training with shorter sprints. You could also start off small and then gradually up the intensity of your strength training instead of a run to warm up before your strength session. Plan out your training schedule and remind yourself by displaying your training schedule on the back of your phone with InkCase to keep yourself disciplined!
Inkcase i7
Never forget another workout with Inkcase!

5. Know your body’s limit

We all know that pushing your limits is a crucial part of improving your fitness but pushing yourself too hard will backfire instead and is likely to result in injuries. Know your body and customise your fitness regime to suit your body’s weaknesses and needs. This goes beyond merely avoiding certain exercises until you are better able to handle it but also involves knowing your weak areas and actively lessening the strain placed on these areas. Instead of exercises that could aggravate these areas, try less strenuous exercises so as to avoid stressing these areas.

6. No alcohol 24 hours before a workout

Staying motivated to exercise is pretty hard but doing so with a hangover is even worse. Alcohol dehydrates the body and the dehydration worsens should you exercise with alcohol in your system. Moreover your liver is working hard to break that down instead of burning fat, making your workout less effective. Alcohol consumption may also cause weight gain and impede muscle growth as well, which defeats the purpose of a workout if you’re looking to lose body fat. Last but not least, alcohol impairs judgement and makes it very dangerous to operate gym equipment.

7. Eating before a workout

Having a heavy meal before exercising is a big no-no even though it may seem like a good idea to fuel up before working all that food off. Your body expends approximately 10% of the energy absorbed just on digestion itself. Hence there is less energy available for your workout, making it difficult for you to perform at your best. Moreover, it affects your digestion too, causing cramping and nausea even after your workout. Try having easily digestible fruit full of simple carbohydrates instead like an apple or banana!

8. Warm up

No matter what kind of exercise you’re doing, taking time to warm up beforehand is definitely a must. By doing dynamic stretches like lunges and high knee lifts, the temperature and blood flow in your muscles increase and hence reduces the risk of injury. Your flexibility increases as well, enabling you to do the actual workout more effectively. Moreover, the warm-up gets your endorphins pumping and that naturally keeps you motivated to stick to your workout!

9. Don’t drink too much water

It’s true that drinking water during a workout is important to keep your body hydrated but downing too much water before or during a workout can cause nausea and cramping. This will inevitably bring about a lot of discomfort and cause you to cut your workout short. Curb the temptation to simply gulp water down and sip instead during your workout; you’ll thank yourself for that later!
A young woman drinking water from a bottle while exercising
Staying hydrated during a workout is important but don’t overdo it!

The best and simplest way to improve your workout experience is to just start learning how to enjoy exercising. Give yourself rewards for achieving goals, get a workout buddy and go have fun!

(Published on Oaxis, 31 Jan 2017)